Pom-Pom Birthday Numbers
Pom-Pom Birthday Numbers
Pom-Pom Birthday Numbers

Pom-Pom Birthday Numbers

Regular price $40.00
Unit price  per 

Add a giant number to any party to personalize it for the guest of honour. These numbers are a great alternative to foil helium balloons and are much better for the environment as they are reusable! 

The numbers come with hooks at the back. You will need to hang them on a hook or the large 3M hooks as they do have some weight to them. They are approximately 3 feet tall and can be customized with a variety of colours. You will be emailed after you check out to request the colour customization. 

Free pickup in West Hamilton or delivery with pricing based on postal code that is calculated at checkout. This is a RENTAL. Any damage or loss of items will result in a replacement fee. 

Party rentals are delivered and picked up Monday to Friday and can be rented for up to 4 days